
We deploy climate

The short intro
Transition Labs is made up of entrepreneurs and doers who are passionate about climate issues and share the vision of pulling the future into the present.

We partner with the highest impact climate projects from around the world and help founders deploy and scale. We provide legal, technical, commercial, and strategic advice and work hand in hand with Transition and top climate funds with the goal of decarbonising the economy.

Our team

Davíð Helgason
Davíð Helgason
Founder & Chairman of the Board
Ásta Sigríður Fjeldsted
Ásta Sigríður Fjeldsted
Member of the Board
Kjartan Örn Ólafsson
Kjartan Örn Ólafsson
CEO & Co-Founder
Kristinn Árni Lár Hróbjartsson
Kristinn Árni Lár Hróbjartsson
Member of the Board
Margrét Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir
Margrét Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir
Head of Operations
Jóhann Þorvaldur Bergþórsson
Jóhann Þorvaldur Bergþórsson
Project Lead
Karen Björk Eyþórsdóttir
Karen Björk Eyþórsdóttir
Project Lead
Hörn Halldórudóttir Heiðarsdóttir
Hörn Halldórudóttir Heiðarsdóttir
Project Lead
Salome Hallfreðsdóttir
Salome Hallfreðsdóttir
CEO of Röst
Birkir Bárðarson
Birkir Bárðarson
Project Manager at Röst
Audria Dennen
Audria Dennen
Research Technician at Röst
Are you a climate solution or a carbon emitter?
Either way we want to hear from you.

We're down for walks, talks & everything in between.
Shoot us an e-mail at [email protected]
Transition Labs ehf.
Lækjargata 2
101 Reykjavik
Copyright © 2025 Transition Labs.
All rights reserved.